I hate that I’m releasing this in March, honestly I wouldn't even have clicked the push notification or email you might've received since it already feels like a thing of the past. Anyways, I said I would do monthly recaps, so here is what I consumed and enjoyed in what felt like a painfully long February. There is also a radio show called Twin Shrieks radio that mostly talks about all of the below, and a good chunk of chatter reading from Billy Corgan's now infamous substack rant. Let’s start with some heavy stuffs
Scorched Earth - Harakiri for the Sky
I randomly came across the fact that Ghost Bath, one of my favorite black metal bands, had both a new single out AND were on tour. I was like shit, I should get to his metal show (I did not) but I looked up the other bands that were playing this Monday gig in February and became instantly hooked on this new record from Austria's Harakiri for the Sky. I immediately searched the band on Reddit, which was a terrible mistake as I forgot how particular any type of metal community can be, and was once again reminded that music is forever subjective so just listen to what you like, man.
No one’s opinion really matters but yours, especially when it comes to simply what you like. Also the band Brand New just officially reunited but I don’t have time to bring up that discourse. Anyway, this album Scorched Earth is a brilliant headphones listen, and I often keep it blasted while trying to improve my utterly pathetic kill:death ratio in Battlefield 2042.
Last Leg of the Human Table - Cloakroom
One of my most hyped albums this year has arrived. Is it shoegaze? Probably, but the real point here is to not focus on genre categorization but focus on the damn music. The cool vocal distortions heard in the first track The Pilot (Dan Deacon energy, even) hook me right away (I mean let's be real the singles that have trickled out have all been phenomenal). This band rocks, and I really dig this interview I found on the 'stack.
Australienation - Punter
Gotta shout out to my dude Brandon from Bandcamp who continues to buy cool music that shows up in an email to me for some reason, to which then I listen, and ultimately love. Seriously just click the link to his Bandcamp purchases and stream whatever looks appealing, you’ll find something cool and noteworthy. Anyway this album from Punter is just straight up good punk from Australia; there are instant hooks and the band just seems gleefully pissed off. Same tbh.
Forces of Natures Transformation - Lifeless Dark
I'm just going to tag the 'stack I found this from because I know nothing about this other than it rocks and this column from Vince G always puts me onto great heavy shit. Already sent it to my cool “metal coworker” and he Slack’d me back saying that the track “Cryptic Remains” has him ready to fight a stranger on the Metro North.
Five of Tears - Pure Hex
Bay Area baddies Pure Hex continue to deliver and showcase a bright spot on the shoegaze scene going on in Northern California. This new EP is brilliant, and puts a smile on my face as I remember their incredible set at Twin Shrieks Fest 2022 :) This EP has me longing for sunshine and Springtime as I finish typing this in what feels like a purgatory to the investible demise of America’s shopping mall (yes, I am at the Livingston Mall food court).
Maybe I will write up a ‘stack on my experience at this sad New Jersey mall, after what was once a decades home to good times and adolescent yearning. But maybe this is just for music writing. I don’t know, conversations kill.