Been calling this thing “stub sack” for years, but here we are, friends. Another form of media to consume before our minds finally rot to their rugged core. That reminds me, this whole “Conversations Kill” name is a nod to Stone Temple Pilots and the late great Scott Weiland. If there was ever a much needed artsy inspiration for me to cling onto, it was discovering such 90s grunge and alternative my impressionable teenage years. My mind didn’t have much good entering it at the time, but the wails of Weiland searching for a home in “Plush”, or the mind numbing riff of “Sin”, STP brought me to a place where I felt like I finally belonged.
In the sense of community and belonging, you may know me from Twin Peaks Sessions, a music collective formed around 2018 I think, where the idea of DIY really became something attainable for anyone willing to give "art” a chance. Through the years of live recorded sessions, house shows (and parties), neighbor complaints and community radio, I continue to find some string of artistic desire through all of this.
While I no longer live in the Bay Area (shoutout Jersey rn) and I feel like I am consistently straying farther and farther away from the music community in general, this substack is something assist with my weekly radio show (Twin Shrieks Radio) while also allowing me to get my thoughts on digital paper. The goal is for you to discover more rad bands, weird cities I travel to, and maybe a life lesson or two from a man who probably shouldn’t be giving anyone any life advice. Thanks for being here.